Acne FAQ

Top acne questions and answers

1. Main Question: Acne & Foundation makeup Help?!?!?!!?

Best Answer: by Megan

Hi Kayli,

We’re sorry to hear you’re having a hard time and want you to feel confident and beautiful. Proactiv uses 5% benzoyl

peroxide to target the acne causing bacteria at the source and keep your pores clear. With consistent treatment, as directed, people typically see full results

within 6 8 weeks. However, everyone’s skin is different and some need stronger treatment. If regular Proactiv didn’t work for you, you might want to try the Extra

Strength Formula with 7% benzoyl peroxide.

The problem with acne is that it is a chronic condition caused by the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, that

thrives on the oil and other impurities found in pores, which means that it won’t go away unless it is treated with an antimicrobial it’s susceptible to, like benzoyl

peroxide. Although it might seem like some home remedies help, they’re only treating some of the effects of acne not the cause. If you leave your acne untreated it

will continue to cause further scaring and blemishes.

We encourage you to reach out to a Skin Care Advisor at 88853678 to learn more about Proactiv Extra Strength and other

treatment options.


2. Main Question: Any homemade remedies to get rid of acne scars?

Best Answer: by Shanaynay T

Completely getting rid of acne scars takes a long time. Getting rid of scars isn’t very easy.

Squeezing or picking at acne can damage the skin tissue around the acne. This can lead to the scarring that is such

a concern for many people.

If the nature of your scars is mild to moderate, then home remedies are sufficient. There are many lotions based on alpha

hydroxyl acid and retinol. These lotions are very effective for the treatment of the acne scars. it also depends on the type of your skin. If you have a

sensitive skin type, it will be better not to use lotions based on the above ingredients. They can harm sensitive skin. There is a specific range of medications to

treat people who can not undergo retinol and alpha acid treatments. The most effective among them are lavender oil, aloe vera juice and rosehip seed oil. They can heal

scars without harming the skin in the long run.

I suggest trying aloe vera juice and putting that on your face at night where the scars are.

Also, try lemon juice.

To use the lemon juice treatment to remove your acne scar you will need to first wash your face with warm water.

Then pour some lemon juice on a cotton ball, and then gently rub the effected acne mark area. For best results leave the lemon juice on your face for about 10 minutes

and then dry the affected acne scar area.

To start seeing results with the lemon juice it can take anywhere from one day and even up to three months. Results will

vary depending on the seriousness of the acne problem.

Another big factor in reducing or getting rid of acne scars is that you will also need to watch the kind of oils you

are putting into your body. Some oils that you use is just screaming acne come and get me!

One of the most common forms of vegetable oil is the sunflower oil. It is highly recommended that if you are using such

oils in your cooking then you should consider stop using them to cook as it will only increase the risk of more acne break outs.

By avoiding the use of vegetable oils in your cooking, it has been reported that it can be one of the leading factors in

clearing up your acne by 50%. Even in sever cases it has been said that that people who stopped using such vegetable oils, have been completely relieved of any

future acne outbreaks.

Ready to hear this? Believe it or not by drinking more than the recommended 8 glasses of water daily will immediately begin

to see results with getting rid of your acne scars. If you are a severe acne suffer you should stay away from carbonated drinks, and caffeine drinks such as

coffee, and sodas.


3. Main Question: Best way to cure acne scar?

Best Answer: by ShinsFortress

There is no ‘cure’, once proper scar tissue has formed. Some things seem to alleviate the issue slightly. I found Bio Oil (as it’s known here)

for a similar issue to be helpful, but not miraculous.


4. Main Question: Can I use rubbing alcohol on my face for acne?

Best Answer: by Kenpachi

Yes, it is very effective in getting rid of the oils in you skin. Best way to use it is to grab a face cloth and cover the top of the bottle of

alcohol and turn it upside down so the cloth gets wet within the rim of the bottle. Do this two or three times in seperate but next each other spots on the cloth

before wiping face.

Heres something fun you should try. Wash your face with soap and then use the rubbing alcohol with a white cloth. That way

you can see for yourself how much the soap is missing.

You can use it as often as you feel. Obviously only when you face feels oily. It can dry your skin out but it is better

that way.

After using it, I recommend splashing your face with cold water to close your pores.

Hope this helps and good luck!


5. Main Question: Does aloe vera gel help acne?

Best Answer: by Thealoexpert

Yes it absolutely does, put some aloe gel on your face every night because when you go to bed the aloe has time to penetrate threw your acne

reducing the spreading, aloe gel is a cleanser, a skin toner, it helps in rehydrating the skins natural mouisture barrier, it also regenerates, rejuvenates. etc…

Aloe vera gel was found to help cure more than 250 skin disorders like: acne, blemishes, cuts, burns, rashes, poison ivy, itchiness, diabetes, arthrytis, muscle pain,

skin disorders etc… It would be preferable to put aloe vera gel on at night because you are sleeping therefore you are not touching your acne leaving the aloe a

chance to penetrate threw the skins natural moisture balance, the skin replenishes itself every 21 28 days put the aloe gel on your acne during the 21 28 days and in

that many days it will look better, feel better, and be better, or just use clearsil..


6. Main Question: Does drinking water help skin and acne?

Best Answer: by Henry


Aim for 8 cups a day

How does it effect your acne?

Well water flushes out toxins in your stomach, which helps liver do its job more rather than helping the stomach.

Water also leads to healthier digestive system which is a crucial factor in preventing acne. As acne is toxin

released through your pores due to liver being too busy helping your stomach. (this is why, alcohol/cigarettes, are really bad!)

Remember, Water leads to healthy digestive system, not pops or any other drink. It has to be water. only exception is

carbonated water which still does its job.

I tried doing no medication but just drinking water regularily, it helps ALOT.



7. Main Question: Does facial treatment really help in getting rid of pimples and acne?

Best Answer: by Zach

Ok, I’m 1 I hate acne, so I spent probably a good 15+ hours searching the internet looking for cures. Here are my best

results, and what got them.

Go to a local drug store, buy benzoyl peroxide

Important! If your skin is sensitive, start with 2%,

then in a week or so, move to 5%, then 1

10 is the highest you can go without getting a prescription.

Go to pretty much any grocery store, and get “Apple Cider Vinegar”. Yes, it sounds disgusting, and it is. But it keeps

your body healthy which results in better skin. No matter how good of facial stuff you use, you can’t have perfect skin

without a healthy body.

Get some sort of face moisturizing lotion, AKA “beauty lotion”. Don’t get normal lotion or it will clog your pores,

causing more breakouts.

Get the white (must be white) Dove TM bar soap. Was your face with that.

Get apricot scrub. Try to find one with really a really fine grit. Not too chunky. Scrub your face very gently, because

irritation in itself can cause acne.


Wash your face morning and night. I suggest using the Apricot scrub only once a day, which will give your skin some time

to heal from the last time you mangled it.

Pat dry your face to prevent irritation. Apply your benzoyl peroxide of choice. Avoid your eye area. It WILL burn your

eye areas. Rub in.

Let dry. Apply moisturizer, again do not go around eye areas because the benzoyl peroxide will then be on your hands.

Drink a few tablespoons of the vinegar daily (that was enough for me). Tips with that: mix in with some sort of lemonade

mix, or something similar.


Change your pillow case weekly. Drool, hair, and sweat has all be ground into that pillow case. Think its good for your


Don’t touch your face! But if you do, make sure your hands are at least clean.

Keep your hair from rubbing against your skin.

Wait for your zits to be fully developed for you to get all the nastiness out of them. If they are being stubborn, use a

sterilized needle to break the skin.

Try not to stress about your skin, as hard as that may be, because stress will cause more acne. Everyone gets acne

once in a

while (at least) so, it shouldn’t surprise them.

Please let me know what your results are. I spent a lot of time on this article, and I’d be happy to know if this helped


My email is

Send your feedback. Thanks! and i wish you the best of luck!


8. Main Question: How do I get acne/ pimples off of my back?

Best Answer: by waybeyondreality

One would imagine acne’s enough of a nuisance without making matters worse by turning up in inconvenient places. Acne can develop on just about

any part of the body, and unfortunately, the back is no exception. You may as well face it and come to terms with it as soon as possible, so you can put up a good

fight to beat it. Play your cards right and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t come out on top!

Back breaking? Back acne is basically caused by excessive perspiration, which may be the result of physical exercise

or exertion. The trouble is that the skin on the back is rather thick with plenty of oil glands, which tend to encourage the development of acne. The condition shows

up as blocked pores, pimples, blackheads, cysts or whiteheads, all of which penetrate the skin more or less than others. If you feel that your problem is unusually

severe, you may consider consulting a doctor.

Back acne may be a little more difficult to treat simply because it is on your back and practically out of reach.

But there’s no need to worry because there’s plenty you can do to get relief. One thing that’s bound to make a difference is shedding your cotton clothing for

synthetic material, because cotton tends to stick to skin that is damp with perspiration. You should also take care to see that your clothes are loose.

Good habits help. Taking frequent showers will also help you to feel better, although you will need to scrub your back,

which may be difficult to do on your own. The best way to do that is by using a scrubber, which will scrape away dead skin to clear blocked pores so that your skin is

able to breathe. Do try and use a body wash that contains salicylic acid. You could also use a pimple cream containing either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

All is not lost. Apart from everything you are trying to beat your back acne, you’ll be happy to know that there’s

medication available just right for you. 101E Acne Getaway is a tried and tested natural liniment developed in China, reasonably priced at $ 395 per bottle and

pleasantly perfumed. It’s free from side effects and perfectly safe to use. The product is a gentle cleanser that also acts as a moisturizer, so your skin does not dry


Acne Getaway 101E is an effective treatment for all kinds of acne will be suitable for you, no matter how old you

are. Although the product is offered with a money back guarantee, with any luck, you won’t need it and your back problem will soon be history. So take care and don’t

blow your problem out of proportion. Just make sure you don’t turn your back on it either! Cheer up and keep smiling!


9. Main Question: How to get acne free skin?

Best Answer: by M()()!!

Sit back… this is a LONG answer, but I wanted to help you out! I know it can be frustrating. This REALLY works!!

Gather all materials beforehand see “Things You’ll Need” below. You might want to store them in a waterproof resealable

bag, such as Ziploc. I’d recommend wearing either old clothes or a bathrobe over whatever you are wearing. There is a definite possibility this is going to spill.

After you have found everything on you checklist, head to a large, flat, waterproof surface. This is probably your bathroom. Having this room be private is highly

advised; you can’t just say, “Get out, I’m flattening a pimple,” can you?

Things You’ll Need

3 or more cotton balls

Lukewarm tap water

Cup to hold the water in


The Method

Salt the water thoroughly much more than you think it needs.

Dip one cotton ball in the salt water.

Wait for 30 60 seconds.

Squeeze out excess water out until it is damp, but not dripping.

Place the damp cotton ball over your large, oh my goodness I cannot go to … zit. If you have several of these grouped

together, try to place the cotton ball over them all.

Glance at your watch/clock. Wait exactly three minutes.

Remove the cotton ball after the time is up. The zit seems to be nearly gone, but it is only the top that has dissolved.

Your acne is still there.

Take the other two cotton balls and place them on either side of the despised pimple.

Slowly, move them closer together until the tiny bump is flattened. Congrats! You’ve just conquered that giant of a pimple


1 Apply honey on the infected area & go to sleep!!


*Don’t forget the last 3 steps they are crucial.

*Be sure to follow these steps closely. Dipping a cotton ball in fresh water as opposed to salt will not work, for


* You might want to bring a book either waterproof or one that you do not care about being splattered in water. Those three

minutes can get boring.

* This is your best bet for monster zits that simply sneak up on you. For long term healthy skin, cleansing and toning is

also important.


* Please, PLEASE, do not assume this is permission to “pop” pimples. Doing so can cause major scarring. Please don’t pop


* If you stop after the top is dissolved, I must warn you: it WILL come back! Maybe not in the next five minutes, but

during the course of an hour, it will come back!

You can even try applying original Head & Shoulder Shampoo to clear acne!!! I WORKS like a charm!!

Read all about it here including people’s comment about it!

If you feel new pimples erupting, ice it! Hold an ice cube over the area for about 5 10 minutes. It REALLY works!!!

For acne scars,

Lemon juice is natural bleach and helps in lightening the scars and blemishes of the skin.

Rose hip seed oil is also another home remedy which reduces acne scars. It is mostly used in the cosmetic products

and used for acne scarring, facial scarring, surgical scars, sun damage, premature aging, burn marks etc. This oil should be massaged twice on the acne scars


Application of Aloe Vera gel/juice to the fresh wounds prevents the formation of permanent scars.

One of the home remedy is that ice cubes can be rubbed on the acne scars for ten to fifteen minutes.

Vitamin E is considered best for the healthy glowing skin. Application of vitamin E oil or capsule to the scar will

completely vanish the scar in few weeks.

The most effective remedy for the scars is application of honey several times a day. It will give a natural glow to the

skin and will remove all scars.

If you have too many pimples/whiteheads/blackheads/ acne/acne scars/… I recommend you to try Carley’s Clear &

Smooth!! It’s CHEAPER & BETTER than Proactive!! People are raving about this product!! Read their feed backs/reviews!!


10. Main Question: How to get clear complexion without acne and acne scars???

Best Answer: by godivaparis

Acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged by dead skin cells. Hair follicles produce an oil called sebum. If this oil builds up in the clogged

pore it becomes infected, and the hair follicle becomes inflamed. If the follicle bursts, the infected matter inside the pores spreads across the skin, infecting the

surrounding area and creating new pimples.

Acne Vulgaris and Other Types of Acne

Acne vulgaris is the most common form of the condition. “Vulgaris” does not mean “vulgar;” it means “common.” It

affects approximately 90% of all adolescents, and 50% of adult women. Acne vulgaris is what most people think of when they think of spots and zits. It is a clogging of

the hair follicles that leads to unsightly, and sometimes painful, skin lesions and pimples. It ranges in degree from mild to severe and, at its most severe, it can

cause scarring.

Many other types of acne exist, however. They’re listed below, along with definitions of the different types of

pimples and skin lesions they cause:

Acne conglobata : A rare form that usually affects males, acne conglobata covers the back,chest, and buttocks with

pustules and nodules, which often connect under the skin. Because of this tendency to connect, severe bacterial infection is possible, as well as extensive scarring.

Medical attention is required.

Acne cosmetica : As the name implies, it is triggered by topical make up. Characterized by small pink bumps, acne

cosmetica is usually quite mild, with little chance of scarring.

Acne fulminans : A rare and extreme form of acne conglobata, acne fulminans almost always infects males. Symptoms

include a sudden onset of pustules and nodules, infected nodules, fever, joint pain, and possible loss of weight or appetite. Acne fulminans is a serious condition and

requires prompt medical attention.

Acne medicamentosa : It is caused by reactions to medicine or drugs. Women often experience acne medicamentosa when

starting or ending birth control pills. Steroids and testosterone have also been implicated.

Acne rosacea : It is not true acne, but rather an inflammation of the face, neck or chest that results in red,

bumpy, oily skin. Acne rosacea usually appears in people aged 30 to 6 It often begins as a short term condition that can become chronic and cause facial scarring if

not treated. Acne rosacea is often accompanied by acne vulgaris

Comedonal acne : Acne characterized by whiteheads and blackheads, without other forms of skin lesions.

Comedones : Enlarged, plugged hair follicles. If the comedone is under the skin, it’s a whitehead. If it breaks the surface

of the skin, it’s a blackhead.

Cyst : Similar to a pustule, a cyst is an inflamed, pus filled lesion that goes deep into the skin, and can cause pain and


Cystic acne : One of the most severe forms of acne, cystic acne occurs when the infected contents of a pustule or

pimple erupts beneath the skin, rather than on the surface. The body’s natural defenses then try to fight the infection, leading to swelling and pain. Cystic acne

often causes facial scarring. While it usually occurs spontaneously, cystic acne can be caused by scratching and picking at pimples. Often accutane comes to rescue in

this case.

Macule : A temporary red area that is the result of a healing lesions. When macules are massed in an area they make the

skin look an angry red.

Nodule : These are large, solid and often painful skin lesions that are buried deep in the skin layers.

Papules : Small, tender pink bumps on the skin.

Pustules : Also called pimples, pustules are inflamed, pus filled comedones, often red around their edges.

Prevention and Remedies for Acne

Acne prevention is a bit of a misnomer if it implies there’s a cure. There isn’t. Acne prevention actually means

preventing outbreaks, and there’s plenty you can do to avoid the recurring pimple. Outbreak prevention covers a wide range: from the day to day preventive measures you

can take to the acne products and remedies on the market.

Follow a gentle approach. Wash gently, and dab your skin clean. You’re trying to remove excess oil produced by your skin

pores; scrubbing hard will actually force the oil and dead skin cells back into the pores. You can use the assorted acne products that clean the skin, but avoid

those products that claim to dry out your skin. Your skin needs moisture and, without it, your pores just produce even more oil.

Avoid Hand to Hand Combat

It’s so tempting to roll up your sleeves and take the battle to the pimple, squeezing it into submission. Trouble is,

picking and squeezing zits often leads to more problems: you spread the infection over the surrounding area when the zit bursts, and you can even wind up with

scarring. Best to avoid mixing it up with your little pustular foes (even if they are asking for it).

Acne Cure Products

All manner of products are on the market, some of them better than others. You should avoid anything too harsh or invasive

(cheap blackhead extractors, for instance). Some treatments claim to work directly on the pimple, but the best products are the ones that treat the entire face. Ask

your doctor or pharmacist for their recommendations.

How to get rid of blackheads?

Step 1 Cleanse the face thoroughly with a good cleanser meant for oily skin. Preferrably use a salicylic acid cleanser such

as this one, Joey NY Pure Pores Cleansing Gel to get rid of blackheads

Step 2 Apply an astringent. It helps reduce oiliness. If its a bit harsh mix a bit of rose water in it.

Step 3 Apply a good quality medicated cream or gel containing resorcinol, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. This helps is

soaking the oil and helps in peeling away the blackheads. You can get creams or gels of Benzoyl Peroxide treating blackheads If benzoyl peroxide leaves your skin dry,

apply an oil free moisturizer after 10 mins of applying benzoyl peroxide.

A drug named ” adapalene ” does wonder in reducing the blackhead formation by stimulation of skin growth through modulation

of cellular differentiation and keratinization of follicular epithelial cells, i.e. it encourages skin peeling. (However, adapalene is mainly used to treat acne

vulgaris by assisting in keeping skin pores clear.)

Apply a thin film of adapalene gel once daily before bedtime. Its mainly available in the form of “Differin”. You can get

differin here Its highly recommended! A word of caution though, adapalene can increase the sensitivity of skin to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, so prolonged

exposure should be avoided by judicious use of sunscreens and protective clothing.

Following this routine, in a matter of days you will be getting rid of blackheads.

Effective Tips to get rid of blackheads

Exfoliate the blackhead prone area 3 4 times a week using facial exfoliators and scrubs. Here is a good SCRUB for you to

help you to get rid of blackheads

Use creams containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Fruit acids) like glyco creams that will clear away any dead skin cells and

“expose” the blackhead. Use the AHA’s every 3 days or so.

Keep your hair away from your face. Greasy hair and skin go together, and hair can spread infection.

Sunshine or ultra violet light encourages skin peeling, and so helps to clear blocked pores. So sunbathing or use of sun

beds in moderation can be helpful.

Avoid washing the face with soaps more than twice a day.

Instead wash your face often with plain water splashes.

Often use a mask with a clay base such as ZIRH’s Clay Mask

If blackheads look ready to pop out, you could try removing them gently by using a blackhead extractor. This is a neat

little instrument with a hole at one end, available from chemists. Pressure around the blackhead helps it to pop out through the hole. Also, Pore cleanser strips

(blackhead extractor) for removal of blackheads. are highly recommended for the treatment/removal of blackheads. Using them once per week will leave your pores cleaner

and smaller.

Otherwise use your fingers. Steam your face first to soften both the skin and the material blocking the pores. Then wrap

the fingers in tissues and gently roll against either side of the blackhead. If it won’t budge easily, leave well alone, as too much pressure will bruise and break the

skin, making your face red and blotchy for days to come, and possibly leaving tiny broken veins. Finish by applying a medicated cream to the empty pore.

Only ever squeeze a spot with a definite head that looks about to burst pressure on an unready infected spot spreads

bacteria below the skin’s surface, infecting the surrounding tissue. Bad spots need a doctor’s advice, and he may suggest antibiotic or even hormone therapy.


11. Main Question: How to get rid of acne & acne scars?

Best Answer: by Fonda

Wondering ways to eliminate acne fast? Seeking treatments that promote healthier skin free from acne? Acne sufferers are constantly round the

seek out techniques that revitalize the skin and heal the problem fast. Eliminating acne involves integrating healthy modifications in lifestyle together with while

using reliable topical goods that ensure fast recovery from acne. A few of the techniques to eliminate acne receive below.

Utilize Right Items

Topical skincare goods that contains benzoyl peroxide are seen to be helpful in eliminating acne. As an antiseptic,

benzoyl peroxide does a fantastic job of killing the bacteria in charge of ultimately causing acne. In case that does not work, one may opt to use creams that have

salicylic acidity. Essentially, salicylic acidity functions just as one exfoliating agent and encourages peeling of outer skin. Exfoliation allows you to eliminate

gathered scalp around the superficial skin. Therefore unclogs the blocked pores effectively. The unblocking action also removes the oil buildup in blocked pores, thus

helping obvious acne. Other considerations like ‘Exposed’ acne treatment are sustained by positive customer recommendations and possess been efficient at obtaining a

an appealing skin inside a short duration.

Face Clean

Cleansing the eye two times daily with acne face clean which contain natural elements is another approach to

eliminate acne fast. Essentially the most popular face washes like Pronexin and Positive cleansing combat acne effectively. These materials are developed to advertise

losing of old skin debris cell and destroy the bacteria. They work as gentle agents and attempt to nourish and restore natural glow of your skin.


Using a 20 25 minute workout daily might also lead in eliminating acne fast. Hormonal discrepancy is frequently the

main reason behind surplus output of sebum (oil) that eventually triggers acne. More particularly, an excessive amount testosterone related testosterone are created

that disturb the hormonal balance. Work out reduces testosterone production, that is certainly necessary to control and eliminate acne. However, be sure that you do

not over exert yourself or exercise for prolonged time period since this contributes to worsening of acne.

Follow a Nutritious diet

Any difficulty the other just cannot have the ability to drink inadequate water. Contamination can aggravate acne

signs and symptoms thereby to stop such undesirable changes on the skin, sufficient intake of water is important. Topical items is not going to give good result,

except certain your meals are discarded inside diet. A healthy diet plan forms a fundamental element of best acne treatment. More particularly, an acne free diet

should be adopted to get over this problem within the earliest.

Stop Constitute Abuse

Over using makeup may also trigger acne outbreaks. The habit of smoking of not getting rid of the constitute and

departing it overnight could also cause acne. Sometimes, the cosmetics useful for constitute contain harsh chemicals and so their usage might also resulted in the

introduction of acne. So, it is important to do not get obsessive concerning the constitute and then use it only when necessary. Thus, reducing or staying away from

constitute is often a pre requisite for eliminating acne.



12. Main Question: I have got some acne on my face and i am 17 years old.What should i do to make my face clean and better?

Best Answer: by Mismatchedmind

Ask you pharmacy for a Zinc & Selenium supplement that you can take daily. In South Africa we have a product called Zinplex ( ), it’s very cheap in a white tablet form. You take three tablets a day and trust me it WORKS!!! I don’t know if they will ship Zinplex to other

countries or if there is similar products in your country, but I’ve included their web address, you can write them and ask whether they can mail some to you.

I’ve been to many dermatologists, (Skin specialists doctors) and I’ve been on really expensive treatments like Reacutane

which does have really bad side effects. A few months after each treatment my acne would return. Eventually I tried Zinplex out of sheer desperation, it’s very

cheap ($5 US dollars for a months supply) does not have any side effects and after using it for a month my acne was gone.

I now use one tablet each morning and I haven’t had any acne since then. I occasionally have a pimple now and then

but nothing more than that.

Good luck!!!


13. Main Question: I have pimples and acne scar on my face, what should i do?

Best Answer: by Soul Doctor


Head remedy.Pimples worse during menses;worse after eating fats, sugar, coffee and meat Psorinum 200X or 1M weekly (3


Pimples at the age of puberty with itching Asterias Rub 30X, 6 hourly

If Asterias rub fails; pustuler eruptions Kali Brom 30X, 6 hourly

Chronic cases; worse after taking eggs and during winter seasons Streptococcin.200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

To clean the complexion Berberis Aquifolium Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 7 8 drops

Pimples; stools constipated like sheep’s dung; worse from sea bathing Magnesia Mur.30X, 6 hourly

Acne of nose; better in damp weather Causticum.30X, 6 hourly

To cover tendency of pimples and to purify the blood Echinacea Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 10 drops

Acne rosacea.Pimples are painful for some distance around; worse during menstruation. Eugenia J Q(Mother Tincture) 4

hourly, 5 10 drops

Pimples hard like flee bites, chilblains Agaricus Mus 30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Skin moist; pimples; digestion slow; flatulence; better fanning Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Rose colourd pimples; pale,waxy skin; chilly persons Silicea.200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Acne in tuberculer patients Tuberculinum K 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Acne hard; indurated base with pustule at apex; night sweats Arsenic Iod 3X or 6X, 4 hourly

When above remedies fail (intercurrent remedy) Sulphur 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

For more information about Homeopathy and how to treat Acne, Pimples etc check this link :


Homeopathic Remedies, Beauty tips (Plastic Medicines to improve Complexion / Glow / Scars / Keloids / Burn Scars ) :

For dry and rough skin. Aversion to take bath; scratching of the effected lesions Sulphur 30 (3 Doses) or 200, (6 Doses),


Pain after scratching with rough and dry skin. Patient likes cold climate Psorinum 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Dark circles around eyes due to shock or grief Natrum Mur 200 or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Eyes sunken and face pale due to loss of vital fluids China 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Saddle like brownish complexion of nose and cheeks. Yellow spots on chest. sallow look Sepia 200 weekly (3 Doses)

Dark circle around the eyes due to nervous weakness or prolonged nervous tension Phosphorus 200 weekly (3 Doses)

For blackish spots; dry, rough, scaly skin; burning sensation. Restlessness Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly

Bluish, purple spots, face pale, jaundiced. patient cannot tolerate pressure of even clothes around throat, abdomen and

waist Lachesis 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Complexion yellow due to anemia Ferrum Met 3X , 4 hourly

Face deathly pale with blue rings around the eyes Bismuth 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Warts, epithelioma; frickles and blotches; brownish spots Thuja Occ 200 weekly, (6 Doses)

Face pimply, dry, rough, scaly skin; to clean the complexion Berberis Aq Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 4 5 drops

To dissolve scar tissue Thiosinaminum 3X, 4 hourly

Old burn or injury marks; bleeds easily; warts Causticum 30 or 200, 6 hourly.

To make skin smooth and supple and to heal wounds without leaving a scar, CALENDULA OINTMENT.

No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do

not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and

keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine.

Take Care and God Bless !


14. Main Question: I’m 16 years old and have been battling horrible acne since I was 1 I’ve tried everything imaginable, help!?

Best Answer: by Ashok

Here are some easy things you can start doing today to help you heal your acne. You should notice a difference in about 4 weeks.

Apply a honey mask to your face once or twice a week Honey has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and

healing minor blemishes. It is also gentle on sensitive skin.

Wash twice a day with acne soap You should wash your face twice a day with a sulfur based soap designed for acne.

Once when you first wake up in the morning and then, right before you go to bed at night. Be extremely gentle to your skin when washing do not scrub or use any sort of

rough cloth. Overwashing your skin will actually stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, thus increasing your acne.

Keep your hair off your face If you have long hair or bangs, pull your hair off your face. Your hair contains oils as well,

and will contribute to your breakouts. You’ll also want to wash your hair everyday and after workouts

Take a potent multi vitamin Acne can be a sign that something is wrong on the inside. Your skin depends on

nutrition. It is a vital organ that is usually neglected. If your body is not receiving the right nutrition, it will fight back. One common way it will rebel is to

produce excessive sebum, clogging pores, and reducing the ability for your skin to heal and fight bacteria (see Acne Prevention Vitamins)

Include chromium in your diet Chromium is well known for weight loss diets. But it is also excellent for healing infections

on the skin. Taking a chromium supplement once a day will help heal your pimples quickly and prevent future breakouts.

Eat carrots for beta carotene (Vitamin A) Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and actually prevents

acne. It helps reduce sebum production. This vitamin is essential for the maintenance and repair of the tissue which the skin and mucous membranes are made of.

Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant needed to rid your body of toxins. Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin A can actually cause acne?

Avoid wearing makeup Leaving makeup products on your skin only contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and

blackheads. If you feel you must wear makeup, be sure it is water based.

Do not pick or squeeze your blackheads and pimples As tempting as it may be, do not squeeze, scratch, rub or touch your

pimples and blackheads. Do any of these actions, actually increases the sebum production. Plus, when you squeeze, you are actually rupturing the membranes below your

skin, causing infection and sebum to spread underneath your skin. The result is more pimples.

Wash your pillow case every other day Your face lays on your pillow case every day. Your pillow case absorbs the oils from

your skin and reapplies the dirt and oil. Thus causing breakouts. Keep your sheets and pillow cases clean.

Eat foods rich in zinc Zinc is an antibacterial agent and a necessary element in the oil producing glands of the skin. A

diet low in zinc can actually cause acne breakouts.

God bless you and Good luck


15, Main Question: Islam Praying cause acne?

Best Answer: by Proud Indian

By doing Wudhu in clean water all the dirt particles, sweat and some oil on the face gets cleaned and the pores of skin are also gets cleaned.

Acne and pimples are the cause of either reaction to any lotion or soap you use and also their development depends upon your food intake.

Without applying any medication, I will tell you a medicine within us, through which I got rid of such problems of face.

Try for a week or more to find the results :

When you get up early morning, before brushing the teeth, take mouthful of clean drinking water and keep your mouth shut

without gargling till you feel the water warm (may be for 3 minutes enough). Then slowly release the water in your palms and apply the same on your face and let it go

completely dry.

Once the water on your face dries, then take normal cleaning, wudu etc. Repeat it every day without fail and see the result

in 8 days. The acne will disappear for a long period. If you keep it repeating for a week every month or occasionally, you will never get acne or pimples.

If you are taking spicy gravy with your food and eating by your own hands (without the use of spoons), then after finishing

of your lunch and dinner, just wash your hand with normal water without soap and rub your wet hand on your face. Do it every time you take meals. Your face will be

radiant and the skin will glow.


16. Main Question: Using ice to cure acne/pimples?

Best Answer: by Andy S

no, it actually is not. the best way to cure acne is to get a prescription from ure doctor. i cured mine for a doctor’s prescription .


17. Main Question: What is the difference between acne and blemishes?

Best Answer: by Ovilia Fernandes

Acne can be Caused by Wrong Eating Habits and Chronic Constipation

One of the main causes of acne is incorrect and/or erratic eating habits and patterns. Consuming foods which are

extremely rich in starch, artificial sugar, and fats only aggravates the condition. Chronic constipation is cited as another reason for the incidence of Acne Vulgaris.

It is important that waste matter is regularly eliminated from the body, as a failure to do so would result in the circulation of toxins in the bloodstream. This may

cause a host of other problems to surface in addition to acne.

Devitalised Condition of Skin

Devitalized skin, that is skin which has a parched appearance, could also lead to acne. Excessive smoking,

insufficient production of sebum, exposure to extreme weather conditions, ill health, and excessive perspiration are some of the most common causes of devitalized

skin. Quit smoking, or at least drastically reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Without this, no amount of home remedies for pimples or acne can help.

In addition to being healthy for your skin, this will also help to increase overall health levels. You should also reduce your intake of all caffeinated beverages and

substitute them with healthier options like fruit juices and fresh milkshakes. Make sure that you exercise on a daily basis and avoid sitting down for prolonged

periods. If you have a sedentary job, make sure that you get up every hour or so and walk around for a few minutes as this will help to promote proper blood


In today’s world, an individual’s aesthetic appeal is considered to be one of the most defining characteristics of a

person’s life. The presence of black spots or blemishes over the face could significantly reduce an individual’s aesthetic appeal. The condition is extremely common

and therefore you would see a number of products in the market that promise to treat skin blemishes on your body within a very short timeHowever, treating the

blemishes with most of these products is more of a gamble than anything else. This is because of the fact that the chemical content or composition of the products may

or may not work with your skin texture while it could work with one of your friends. It is important to understand that the condition and texture of one’s skin also

needs to be taken into account when dealing with blemishes. While blemishes are essentially only areas of discoloration on the skin, some cases will see acne

problems such as whiteheads and blackheads also be considered as blemishes. One of the main causes of these blemishes are clogged pores usually the result of overuse

of toiletries and cosmetics.

Since blemishes are such a common concern all over the world, there are a number of home remedies for blemishes that have

been proved to be rather effective when it comes to dealing with the condition. The use of honey is considered to be one of the best methods of getting rid of

blemishes. Honey could be used by heating it for some time and then applying it all over the face. However, it is important that you do not heat the honey too much as

it would burn the skin thus causing further damage. Allow the honey to remain on the face for some time before washing it off with the help of some lukewarm water.

Once this is done, proceed to rinse the face with some cool water. Adding some amount of wheat germ to the honey is known to have an added advantage. Lime is

considered to be one of the foremost natural bleaching agents. One could mix a few drops of lemon juice along with some sugar and apply the mixture on the blemish

area. Keep it on for around 15 20 minutes and then wash it off with water that is at room temperature. The application of lacto calamine solution, available over the

counter at any medical shop, is also very useful.


18. Main Question: Why do i get scalp Acne?

Best Answer: by mediocre_poet

Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair

follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples or zits.

The condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone.

The response for most people diminishes over time and acne thus tends to disappear, or at least decrease, after one reaches their early twenties. There is,

however, no way to predict how long it will take for it to disappear entirely, and some individuals will continue to suffer from acne decades later, into their

thirties and forties and even beyond. Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life.

The most common form of acne is known as “acne vulgaris”, meaning “common acne.” Excessive secretion of oils from

the glands combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block the hair follicles. Oil secretions build up beneath the blocked pore, providing a perfect

environment for the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acnes to multiply uncontrolled. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion. The face, chest,

back, shoulders and upper arms are especially affected.

The typical acne lesions are: comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and inflammatory cysts. These are the more

inflamed form of pus filled or reddish bumps, even boil like tender swellings. Non inflamed ‘sebaceous cysts’, more properly called epidermoid cysts, occur either in

association with acne or alone but are not a constant feature. After resolution of acne lesions, prominent unsightly scars may remain.

Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self esteem and depression. Acne usually

appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure.

Exactly why some people get acne and some do not is not fully known. It is known to be partly hereditary. Several

factors are known to be linked to acne:

* Hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty

* Stress, through increased output of hormones from the adrenal (stress) glands.

* Hyperactive sebaceous glands, secondary to the three hormone sources above.

* Accumulation of dead skin cells.

* Bacteria in the pores, to which the body becomes ‘allergic’.

* Skin irritation or scratching of any sort will activate inflammation.

* Use of anabolic steroids.

* Any medication containing halogens (iodides, chlorides, bromides), lithium, barbiturates, or androgens.

* Exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds, particularly chlorinated dioxins, can cause severe, long lasting

acne, known as Chloracne.

Traditionally, attention has focused mostly on hormone driven over production of sebum as the main contributing factor of

acne. More recently, more attention has been given to narrowing of the follicle channel as a second main contributing factor. Abnormal shedding of the cells

lining the follicle, abnormal cell binding (“hyperkeratinization”) within the follicle, and water retention in the skin (swelling the skin and so pressing the

follicles shut) have all been put forward as mechanisms involved.

Several hormones have been linked to acne: the male hormones testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and

dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), as well as insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF I). In addition, acne prone skin has been shown to be insulin resistant.

Development of acne vulgaris in latter years is uncommon, although this is the age group for Rosacea which may have

similar appearances. True acne vulgaris in older adults may be a feature of an underlying condition such as pregnancy and disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome

or the rare Cushing’s syndrome.

Available treatments

There are many products sold for the treatment of acne, many of them without any scientifically proven effects.

However, a combination of treatments can greatly reduce the amount and severity of acne in many cases. Those treatments that are most effective tend to have greater

potential for side effects and need a greater degree of monitoring, so a step wise approach is often taken. Many people consult with doctors when deciding which

treatments to use, especially when considering using any treatments in combination. There are a number of treatments that have been proven effective:

Cotton pads soaked in salicylic acid solution can be used to exfoliate the skin.

Exfoliating the skin

This can be done either mechanically, using an abrasive cloth or a liquid scrub, or chemically. Common chemical exfoliating

agents include salicylic acid and glycolic acid, which encourage the peeling of the top layer of skin to prevent a build up of dead skin cells which combine with skin

oil to block pores. It also helps to unblock already clogged pores. Note that the word “peeling” is not meant in the visible sense of shedding, but rather as the

destruction of the top layer of skin cells at the microscopic level. Depending on the type of exfoliation used, some visible flaking is possible. Moisturizers and anti

acne topicals containing chemical exfoliating agents are commonly available over the counter.

Benzoyl peroxide cream.

Topical Bactericidals

Widely available OTC bactericidal products containing Benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne. The gel

or cream containing benzoyl peroxide is rubbed, twice daily, into the pores over the affected region and primarily prevents new lesions by killing P.Acnes. Unlike

antibiotics, Benzoyl peroxide has the advantage of being a strong oxidiser (essentially a mild bleach) and thus does not appear to generate resistance. However, it

routinely causes dryness, local irritation and redness. A sensible regimen may include the use of suitable non comedogenic moisturisers to help avoid overdrying the


Care must be taken when using Benzoyl peroxide, as it can very easily bleach any fabric or hair it comes in contact with.

Other antibacterials that have been used include triclosan, or chlorhexidine gluconate but these are often less effective.

Topical antibiotics

Externally applied antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin or tetracycline aim to kill the bacteria that are harbored

in the blocked follicles. Whilst topical use of antibiotics is equally as effective as oral, this method avoids possible side effects of stomach upset or drug

interactions (e.g. it will not affect the oral contraceptive pill), but may prove awkward to apply over larger areas than just the face alone.

Tetracycline antibiotics, such as Lymecycline, are used to treat acne.

Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics used to treat acne include erythromycin or one of the tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline, the

better absorbed oxytetracycline, or one of the once daily doxycycline, minocycline or lymecycline). Trimethoprim is also sometimes used (off label use in UK). However,

reducing the P. acnes bacteria will not, in itself, do anything to reduce the oil secretion and abnormal cell behaviour that is the initial cause of the blocked

follicles. Additionally the antibiotics are becoming less and less useful as resistant P. acnes are becoming more common. Acne will generally reappear quite soon after

the end of treatment days later in the case of topical applications, and weeks later in the case of oral antibiotics.

Hormonal treatments

In females, acne can be improved with hormonal treatments. The normal combined oestrogen/progestogen contraceptive

pills have some effect, but the anti testosterone Cyproterone in combination with an oestrogen (Diane 35) is particularly effective at reducing androgenic hormone

levels. Diane 35 is not available in the USA, but a newer oral contraceptive containing the progestin drospirenone is now available with fewer side effects than Diane

35 / Dianette. Both can be used where blood tests show abnormally high levels of androgens, but are effective even when this is not the case.

If a pimple is large and/or does not seem to be affected by other treatments, a dermatologist may administer an injection

of cortisone directly into it, which will usually reduce redness and inflammation almost immediately. This has the effect of flattening the pimple, thereby making it

easier to cover up with makeup, and can also aid in the healing proccess. Side effects are minimal, but may include a temporary whitening of the skin around the

injection point. This method also carries a much smaller risk of scarring than surgical removal.

External retinoids

Normalizing the follicle cell lifecycle. A group of medications for this are topical retinoids such as tretinoin (brand

name Retin A), adapalene (brand name Differin) and tazarotene (brand name Tazorac). Like isotretinoin, they are related to vitamin A, but they are administered as

topicals and generally have much milder side effects. They can, however, cause significant irritation of the skin. The retinoids appear to influence the cell creation

and death lifecycle of cells in the follicle lining. This helps prevent the hyperkeratinization of these cells that can create a blockage. Retinol, a form of vitamin

A, has similar but milder effects and is used in many over the counter moisturizers and other topical products. Effective topical retinoids have been in use over 30

years but are available only on prescription so are not as widely used as the other topical treatments.

Oral retinoids

Reducing the secretion of oils from the glands. This is done by a daily oral intake of vitamin A derivatives like

isotretinoin (marketed as Accutane, Sotret) over a period of 4 6 months. It is believed that isotretinoin works primarily by reducing the secretion of oils from the

glands, however some studies suggest that it affect other acne related factors as well. Isotretinoin has been shown to be very effective in treating severe acne

and can either improve or clear well over 80% of patients. The drug has a much longer effect than anti bacterial treatments and will often cure acne for good. The

treatment requires close medical supervision by a dermatologist because the drug has many known side effects (which can be severe). About 25% of patients may relapse

after one treatment. In those cases, a second treatment for another 4 6 months may be indicated to obtain desired results. It is often recommended that one lets a few

months pass between the two treatments, because the condition can actually improve somewhat in the time after stopping the treatment and waiting a few months also give

the body a chance to recover. Occasionally a third or even a fouth course is used, but the benefits are often less substantial. The most common side effects are dry

skin and occasional nosebleeds (secondary to dry nasal mucosa). There are reports that the drug has damaged the liver of patients. For this reason, it is recommended

that patients have blood samples taken and examined before and during treatment. In some cases, treatment is terminated due to changes in various levels of chemicals

in the blood, which might be related to liver damage. Others claim that the reports of permanent damage to the liver are unsubstantiated, and routine testing is

considered unnecessary by some dermatologists. Blood triglycerides also need to be monitored. However, routine testing are part of the official guidelines for the use

of the drug in many countries. Some press reports suggest that isotretinoin may cause depression but as of September 2005 there is no agreement in the medical

literature as to the risk. The drug also causes birth defects if women become pregnant while taking it or take it while pregnant. For this reason, female patients are

required to use two separate forms of birth control or vow abstinence while on the drug. Because of this, the drug is supposed to be given as a last resort after

milder treatments have proven insufficient. Very restrictive rules (IPledge Program) for use will be in force in the USA beginning in 200


Acne No More System